Water Skyball among optional courses for SZTE students

SZTE students can improve their mental and physical abilities with the help of Water Skyball, a new Hungarian-developed sport, announced the University of Szeged in a press release.

Water Skyball appeared among the optional courses of the University of Szeged this semester. SZTE students have been practicing the developmental ball game created by the Fontanus Center, which is also interesting from a sports science point of view, since February. As part of a research, the participants get an accurate picture of the development of their physical and mental abilities at the end of the course, according to the press release.

Water Skyball is the newest sport developed in Hungary, which anyone can start regardless of age, gender, fitness level, or body type. The game was created and developed into a sport by the professional team of the Fontanus Scientific Methodological Research and Educational Center.

The creators of the game aimed to improve both physical and mental abilities, and it was also an important aspect to make it an enjoyable game and become a game accessible and playable for a wide audience.

A musculoskeletal rehabilitation specialist, a trainer, and a physical education teacher joined the process of developing the sport. The inventor of the game, Balázs Török-Szabó, is a philosopher, game designer, research leader, and professional manager of the Fontanus Center.

Water Skyball is a non-contact sport that, in addition to physical abilities, also challenges and develops mental abilities like thinking, attention, decision-making, foresight, and tactical abilities. More details can be found on the Water Skyball website.

Source: University of Szeged

Featured image: Water Skyball on Facebook


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